Skilled Labor

This section explains the “Skilled Labor” visa (status of residence).

What kind of work is covered?

Skilled Labor is applicable to “jobs that require skilled skills” and “jobs that require skilled techniques in a special industrial field”.

The following jobs could be considered.

  • Cook in a foreign restaurant
  • Sports leaders
  • pilot
  • Animal trainer
  • Precious metal fabricators

What to look out for when hiring a cook at a restaurant specializing in foreign cuisine

It is possible to hire in a “a restaurant specializing in foreign cuisine” but not in a Japanese restaurant.

Requirements for skills

The requirements for the skill are as follows

Work experience – in the case of a cook

Work experience is required to prove “skilled techniques”.

The required years of experience is 10 years.

The duration of the assistantship is not included in this experience.

Years of experience will be evidenced by proof of previous work tenure or separation certificates.

It doesn’t matter if there’s a change of career within 10 years.

You can also include any period of time in your educational institution where you learned about cooking or food production.

The required period of work experience is different in the following cases

  • National qualification in Thai cuisine → 5 years of practical experience

Work experience – if you are not a cook

・Sports coaches → 3 years or more of work experience or participation in international competitions such as the Olympics

・Pilot → 1,000+ hours of flying experience

・Trainer → 10 years of work experience

・Processing of precious metals, etc. → More than 10 years of work experience

Contracts with public or private institutions in Japan

It can be a contract of employment as well as a delegated, commissioned contract.

The business continuity and stability of the employer is also required.